Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Restaurant Review - Le Foyer Vietnamien

Well, it's been a while since we posted anything, but don't despair I'll post a few more in the coming days as there are no shortage of things to write about in Paris in December.

But, I thought I would add to the one restaurant review that I did in the spring. We don't eat out that often (the life of working for a start-up and married to a post-doc), but alas, we'll endeavor to write about the good restaurants we do go to, and we have been to a few.

So we'll officially kick it off with our favorite little restaurant in our 'hood: Le Foyer Vietnamien. Since you all know me so well, I don't need to tell you that we love asian food . Even our first post was about Mondol Kiri a Cambodian place, but don't worry there are some good french restaurants that I'll blog about also so stay tuned.

The great thing about Le Foyer Vietnamien is, well, everything: it's cheap, fantastic and just what you need on a cold winter night. I never had much luck with Vietnamese food in Vancouver; I kept trying but it just wasn't doing it for me, so I was a bit skeptical, but at €5.50 for a big bowl of Pho you can't go wrong. This Pho doesn't disappoint. I tried a stir fry dish the second time we went there, but now I just stick to the Pho, and we share an entrée (that's appetizer for you Canadians and Americans), the bamboo salad is our favorite. Beer! They have asian beer and it's cheap! So all in, a good meal for 2 people will be €15-20. For those of you from Vancouver, this is like a mini Hon's for Vietnamese food.

We've been there ~5 times already, so if you come to visit us, we'll probably take you there!

Le Foyer Vietnamien
80 rue Monge
75005 Paris
01 45 35 32 54

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